System Design - Twitter

Rough Draft

  1. Tweeting - Sending a tweet/ retweet
  2. Timeline - A homefeed of tweets on your profile
    • User Timeline - your own tweets
    • Home Timeline - tweets from people your follow.
  3. Following - ability to follow someone elses tweets on your ‘home timeline’.

Solution 1 - Relational Database -

  1. SQL - TWEETS & USER Tables TWEETS.user –many_to_one–> (pk) TWEETS.tweets (pk)

Issues - How to display homefeed - select query to get all people I follow and get their tweets. NOT SO SCALABLE

Better Design:

  1. In-memory FANNING OUT (put tweet in an in-memory database - precompute homefeeds of users)

  2. LOAD BALANCER - pushes tweets to a REDIS cluster. Each tweet gets replicated thrice in redis i.e. replication factor = 3 Identical eventualy consistent native redis lists on leader and replicas.

Bob follows Alice: Alice has one hunded followers. Alice tweet. Each tweet goes to 100 users * replication factor = 100 * 3

What if a celebrity with 60 million followers send a tweet - 60 million * 3 tweet copies on redis? huge performance overhead?

  1. Mix of 1 and 2.


Homefeed copes in Redis is space expensice but improves the read time.

Action - Access Timeline - Browser - GET - Load Balancer - Pick one redis instance to serve request.

Design - BROWSER –> LB –> REDIS How does LB know with Redis machine to get a user’s timeline - hash lookup

Twitter search - another branch on fanout step.